Göle Sun Position

Map showing location of Göle (40.787460, 42.606030)
Time: 12:00
Altitude: -5°
Azimuth: 125°

Sun position during the day

Time Azimuth
(Compass angle)
(Angle above the horizon)
04:00 52° -7°
05:00 63°
06:00 72° 13°
07:00 81° 24°
08:00 90° 35°
09:00 101° 46°
10:00 115° 57°
11:00 137° 66°
12:00 174° 71°
13:00 214° 68°
14:00 240° 60°
15:00 256° 49°
16:00 267° 38°
17:00 277° 27°
18:00 286° 16°
19:00 295°
20:00 305° -5°