Akşehir Sun Position

Map showing location of Akşehir (38.357500, 31.416390)
Time: 12:00
Altitude: -27°
Azimuth: -163°

Sun position during the day

Time Azimuth
(Compass angle)
(Angle above the horizon)
05:00 54° -6°
06:00 63°
07:00 72° 15°
08:00 80° 27°
09:00 89° 38°
10:00 99° 50°
11:00 113° 61°
12:00 138° 71°
13:00 184° 75°
14:00 227° 70°
15:00 250° 59°
16:00 263° 48°
17:00 273° 36°
18:00 281° 25°
19:00 289° 13°
20:00 298°
21:00 308° -7°