Pruna Sun Position

Map showing location of Pruna (36.972260, -5.222300)
Time: 12:00
Altitude: 18°
Azimuth: 106°

Sun position during the day

Time Azimuth
(Compass angle)
(Angle above the horizon)
07:00 59° -1°
08:00 68° 10°
09:00 76° 21°
10:00 84° 33°
11:00 93° 45°
12:00 104° 57°
13:00 122° 68°
14:00 159° 76°
15:00 214° 74°
16:00 244° 65°
17:00 259° 54°
18:00 270° 42°
19:00 278° 30°
20:00 286° 18°
21:00 294°
22:00 303° -4°