Tuchola Sun Position

Map showing location of Tuchola (53.587920, 17.859050)
Time: 12:00
Altitude: -12°
Azimuth: 168°

Sun position during the day

Time Azimuth
(Compass angle)
(Angle above the horizon)
03:00 30° -8°
04:00 43° -3°
05:00 55°
06:00 66° 12°
07:00 78° 20°
08:00 89° 29°
09:00 102° 38°
10:00 117° 46°
11:00 135° 53°
12:00 158° 58°
13:00 185° 60°
14:00 211° 57°
15:00 232° 51°
16:00 249° 43°
17:00 263° 35°
18:00 275° 26°
19:00 286° 17°
20:00 298°
21:00 309°
22:00 322° -5°
23:00 335° -9°